Thursday, June 5, 2014

God's Words Last Forever

Modern day young Christians are offered numerous ways to learn God's word. More often than not, the so-called religious teachers cast doubt on the truthfulness and authority of the Lord's word. When an individual finds salvation, it is easy to make him think that the Bible is God's word and that the scriptures are unquestionable. Naturally, this assumption makes a great deal of sense, as it was God's word that helped him in his hour of need and following the pathway of the Lord restored him. If Gods word was untrustworthy, then how else was he saved?

One hard truth regarding the Christian walk is the fact that just because one has been saved life does not stop having difficulties. This fact will challenge the faith of the one who has been born again. Inevitably, teachers, scholars, and those with contradictory beliefs will attempt to use intellectualism to disprove the salvation of the new Christian to them. This behavior is to be expected from those who do not know their Creator or Savior, and the new Christian may feel the need to be very guarded and defensive in regard to their faith.

Sadly, a percentage of young students who attend Christian schools and universities will fare little better. Some learned people who refer to themselves as bible teachers will endeavor to shake other people’s faith by stating that the original word of God means something quite different. The same teachers will insist that other phrases offer a better translation, in other words, they feel their word is God. However, in reality, such talk is foreign to the Apostles and other leading bible characters. They boldly proclaim that the word of God is good and confidently say "Thus said the Lord".

In Biblical times, there were simply "the Holy scriptures". They had not been translated at that time; the Bible was predominantly Hebrew and Greek, and the apostles took God at His Word. Psalm 12:6-7 clearly states that the Lord's words are perfect and pure in their entirety. It also tells us that His words will endure forever. This should be taken literally.

The times we live in are irrelevant to the truth of the Word of God. For as long as man has existed he has provided arguments to attempt to dispel the Word of God and discount its truths. Regarding this be encouraged! The Lord has promised to sustain us through His uncompromised Word! He is not a man that He should lie. He is fully able to do what he has promised, with ease. Not only does He preserve the words themselves, but also the purpose and message remain uncompromised.

The aspects of the word of God that are of primary importance, is that its author, the Holy Spirit, stands rigidly behind it. In addition, to transform and attract people to Christ, he does his works through it. The most encouraging scripture in regard to the steadfastness, trustworthiness and reliability of the word of God is located in Jeremiah 1:1, where God himself is happy to make the statement, "I am watching to see that my word is fulfilled". None of the faithless seem to get this message and understand it, but those of faith can continue to pray they will!

If you are a believer in Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior, you should be aware of the fact that, the Bible is the authoritative word of God revealed to men by the Holy Spirit.  The purpose of that word is to help us know who God is and how we can live a life pleasing to him. Because the word is both true and infallible, we can exercise faith in God alone. By regularly learning his word under the direction of the Holy Spirit, we can have confidence that God hears us when we offer our daily prayer to him.

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